Funny photo planter

2 minute(s) read Categories Videos DIY Projects


A fun activity to initiate kids to gardening! Here is how to create a personalized picture planter in a few simple steps : 


1. Print a picture of your kid on photo paper, choosing a size that fits your pot holder.

Print a picture of your kid on photo paper



2. If needed, cut out the picture and fix it onto the pot holder.

cut out the picture and fix it onto the pot holder



3. Fill the pot holder with soil.

Fill the pot holder with soil



4. Place your leafy plant/fern in the middle and water.

Place your leafy plant/fern in the middle and water


5. Here is the final result!

Here is the final result!



  • Pot holder
  • Leafy plant / fern
  • Potting soil
  • Picture of your kid
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