Weed & Insect Defense Grass Seed
Weed & Insect Defense Grass Seed

Dreaming of a lush, healthy lawn free of weeds and pest damage? Make that dream come true with PRO-MIX Weed & Insect Defense Grass Seed, which you can use as preventive care or to repair your lawn.

Two of the biggest challenges to have a great-looking lawn are weeds—dandelions can invade your lawn—and common pests like grubs that often cause damage as animals burrow into the soil to feed on the larvae.

PRO-MIX Weed & Insect Defense Grass Seed contains select seed varieties that help inhibit the growth of weeds and repel lawn insects. A little prevention can go a long way!

Overseed and/or repair your lawn with PRO-MIX Weed & Insect Defense Grass Seed to prevent weed and pest problems while growing stronger, healthier grass.


  • Prevents weed problems and repels insect pests.
  • Can be used for preventive care or to repair lawn.
  • Healthier and more resilient lawn.